Van der lugt

Sales Coaching

About me

As a 7-year-old boy, I moved from the rough port city of Rotterdam to the Burgundian city of Maastricht. There I came into a class with children who mainly spoke a Maastricht dialect; unlike me. So, I had to adapt very quickly to the new situation and learned that the children would give me something if I was sincerely interested in them. That is when the foundation of my sales skills was formed, which I still enjoy today.

Selling is an exciting but uncertain business. For most of your sales career, you regularly step out of your comfort zone. You constantly learn from each deal and apply this knowledge to subsequent deals. The psychological dynamics of people slowly unfold in every conversation you have. Your way of selling eventually becomes part of your authentic sales behaviour. I like to share the practical knowledge I gained during my 30-year sales career with you, so that you too can sell from a solid (sales) basis.

Around my 50th birthday, I found myself in a difficult financial situation that changed my life forever. I learned to appreciate the power of giving and found more satisfaction in helping others. The energy and warmth I felt when I spent a month in Nepal building houses after a severe earthquake was the push I needed. The appreciation of the Nepalese people was priceless. Soon after, I went on a coaching course and now I use this knowledge, combined with my sales experience, to make companies with ambition successful in their sales activities. When they succeed in selling, that is the crown of my work as a coach.

It is nice to have someone experienced as a coach next to you in (difficult) sales situations. I point you in the right direction, give you a bit of self-confidence so that you start tackling things differently and sales success comes your way.


My experience

gecertificeerd coach
  • A number of years as an own start-up
  • Corporate sales in ICT sector
  • National and international direct and indirect sales
  • ICR certified coach
  • Certified Mental coach



“Jeroen has been coach and mentor to our sales team at Bittiq. In his role he strongly contributed to professionalising our sales process and driving results. Jeroen is an all-round sales coach, from high-level funnel management to finding concrete new angles to move individual prospects forward. I would describe Jeroen as hands-on, proactive and very pleasant to work with. Definitely recommended for coaching and/or mentoring role in your B2B sales team.”


Hidde Koning – CEO & Co-founder Bittiq


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